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CFA Cup Winner Revisits the Bethel Hom費藍e


The children of Bethel China'國看s Home of the Visually Impair大影ed in Zhoukoudian, Fangshan嗎我 District, Beijing, welcomed our CFA熱公-Cup winner Hou Sen in th見體e afternoon. The CFA Cup trophy brough那文t along by Hou not only highlight麗理ed the second visit of the club bu線都t also excited everyone in河錢 the house.

The teachers and chi高服ldren at the Bethel Home introduced t腦習o Hou about the history 湖黃as well as the service of the i坐票nstitute, and gave their 老們regards to the concern and劇話 help of our players.

The conditions of the飛城se children did not underm書錢ined their innocent 金工nature or curiosity. During t公雪heir interaction, the c計白hildren welcomed Hou to thei女紙r classrooms, showing him the體中ir learning appliances and t離微oys, and sharing their stories with 我西him. Though surprised by H北我ou's height and physique, the childre下科n still challenged him t聽金o play football in the 腦女corridor.

The visit ended with a troph裡拍y-lifting time, in whic窗呢h the children were given the oppor還外tunity to share the pri長通de of champions. Beij日票ing Sinobo Guoan FC are also look務間ing forward to see these fami雨小liar faces at the Worker's Stadium間嗎.

Beijing Guoan F.C. Co機愛., Ltd.

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